Registration Page

Dear Users,

This year, we will be having our User Group meeting on Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th & Thursday 31th October 2024. For this event we are pleased to invite you in our premises at Vigoulet-Auzil. A first version of the agenda will be available soon.

To register, please fill in the fields below:

Contact details

Title :
Family Name(*) :
First Name(*) :
Organization(*) :
Email(*) :
Phone :


Will you attend on Tuesday 29th October 2024 ?
Will you be present for lunch on Tuesday 29th October 2024?
Will you attend on Wednesday 30th October 2024 ?
Will you be present for lunch on Wednesday 30th October 2024?
Will you be present for social event dinner on Wednesday 30th October 2024?
Will you attend on Thursday 31th October 2024 ?
Will you be present for lunch on Thursday 31th October 2024 ?
Do you have any special dietary requirements? If yes, please specify it:


Would you like to present a topic during the conference ?:
Please describe briefly the topic :

Additionnal Information

Please add any information you would like us to take into account below:

Face to Face meetings

Monday 28th October 2024 :
With whom ?

Note that the November 1st is a bank holiday in France.